Dolphins Are Not Fish!

Featuring the bottlenose dolphin

Did you know that dolphins are not fish?

They are different from fish in many ways.

Dolphins must come up to the surface to breathe.

Fish can breathe under the water.

Dolphin have one blowhole. They breathe in and out through it.

Fish do not have blowholes.

Dolphin move their tails up and down when they swim.

Fish move their tails from side to side.

Dolphins have smooth skin

A fish's skin is not smooth.Fish have scale.

Dolphins "see" objects by making sounds and listening for an echo. This is called echolocation.

Fish can not do this

Dolphins are playful.They like to swim in the bow waves of ships.

Fish do not do this.

Dolphins are very smart. Some learn to do tricks!

Fish don't appear to be as smart.

Now you know why  dolphins  are not fish!